Mail on SundayTony Blair loves.. Page 1
Tony Blair loves..Page 2
Daily MailE Hardcastle Column (1/09/10)
My Rome
Spa Henri Chenot Merano
The SpectatorThe Young Pretender (November 2011)
Diary September 2010
Diary October 2009
Diary February 2008
She’s Italian You Know
Beware the Taliban of Tolerance
Spectator Diary (1999)
The Shock is that Italy’s Elections Really Matter
Sunday TelegraphHeld by the Calorie Police
A Wild Spirit in the Kitchen
My friend Peter the Puritan
In the Footsteps of Shaka Zulu
Daily TelegraphBeauty without the beastliness
Italy’s Comic Opera Shows no sign of reaching the Last Act
Sunday TimesBad guys return as Italy lies in a coma (Dec 2012)
Give my friend Cherie a Chance
Zulus’ date with destiny
The better Italy beneath Silvio’s putrid surface (April 2011)
Silvio’s economic bunga-wunga is wrecking Italy (July 2011)
TatlerThree views of Hedonism
French with Tears
At Home: Sex and Power (2014)
Carla and Margaret Thatcher (2016)
Vi Raconto lo la vera Thatcher (2012)
The TabletIs there a Garibaldi for today? (March 2011)
5 minutes with the Pope (Aug 2010)
New StatesmanEnd this liberal hostility to the Pope (Aug 2010)
Brits should be more like Italians
Death comes for the Archbishop, the St Tropez blues and beware Berlusconi (Sep 2012)
Berlusconi resurgent (Jan 2013)
Italy: Short cuts, strong men, quick fixes (March 2013)
Michael Butler the Diplomat (January 2014)
Brent Scowcroft: The quiet mastermind (August 2020)
Evening Standard Benvenuto Capello
L’Eco cover page
L’amore vigezzino di lord Powell
Panorama Acqua della discordia
I'll Corriere della sera magazine L'aristocontadina
La Stampa Lady Bonardi Powell
L’occidentale Cameron e il favorito...
Il Foglio 15 May 2010
Londrasera La mia Londra